How Your Thoughts Control Your Emotions: A Personal Journey

Have you ever been angry or upset because of something someone else did or said? Have you ever felt helpless and victimized by external circumstances?

If so, you are not alone. For many years, I thought that external events caused my emotions and that I had no control over them.

But then, something remarkable happened. It dawned on me that my emotions weren't caused by external circumstances but by my thoughts.

And what's even more amazing is that this holds for all of us.

We are not our thoughts or our feelings. We have thoughts and feelings. Once we understand this, we can take charge of our lives and make positive changes that lead to greater peace and happiness.

Allow me to share a small story highlighting our thoughts' power.

One day, I spoke to a student who was about to take an oral exam and was extremely scared. She felt like she would faint from the fear, even though she knew the material well. During our conversation, she had an epiphany.

She said, "It's not the exam I'm scared of. It's what I'm thinking about the exam scaring me."

This realization changed everything for her. She went on to successfully pass the exam and thanked me for helping her understand the power of her thoughts.

This story perfectly shows how our thoughts can either hold us back or empower us. When we learn to question and manage our thoughts, we can achieve anything we set our minds to. So, if you're feeling fearful or overwhelmed, remember that it's not the situation causing your emotions. It's the thoughts you have about the situation.

By managing those thoughts, you can take control of your emotions and transform your life.

It's a powerful realization that can change our perspective and help us navigate life's challenges with grace and resilience.

Now, I want to share my journey with others. I want to show people that they have the power to change their lives by changing their thoughts. It can be challenging, but it is possible.

You can create a more peaceful and fulfilling life by questioning your beliefs and learning to manage them. And remember, you are not alone. So many others are on this journey with you; we are all here to support each other.

So, take a deep breath, and remember that your thoughts are not yours. They are like clouds in the sky; they come and go.

You can choose which thoughts to listen to and which to ignore. And with that power, you can create the life you truly want.

So, I've written the book "The Tipping Point: Life Comes From Questioning Your Thoughts", which is available on Saxo, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble.

In this book, I share my journey and provide practical tips and techniques for managing your thoughts and emotions.

If you need help or are overwhelmed, I encourage you to look closely at your thoughts. Are they serving you or holding you back?

Mette Reebirk