

Det meningsfulde arbejdsliv


Hvis du gerne vil videre med noget mere meningsfuldt i dit arbejdsliv og ikke blot gentage dig selv men ikke helt ved, hvordan du skal tage det næste skridt er en god begyndelse at downloade min bog ”Work-life crossroads” eller købe den på Amazon. 
Når du downloader bogen vil du modtage mit nyhedsbrev.
Min nyeste bog “The Tipping Point: Life Force Comes From Questioning Your Thoughts” er tilgængelig på Amazon.

En anden mulighed er også at søge optagelse i LinkedIn gruppen:
Inspiring business people to reinventing themselves - and gain a more meaningful work life.

Her poster jeg artikler og andet materiale, som kan inspirere dig på din rejse.

“I, personally, have had very positive experience in using the inspiration from Mette´s book. I have formulated my mantra as Enjoy it – or change it. This mantra has helped me in living Mette´s words of - remember you´re the boss of your own life.”
— Steen Thaarup, VP Sales and Marketing at AJ Vaccines
“I am thankful for the inspiration received by reading this book for my continuous daring. Thank you, Mette Reebirk, for the insights and the inspiration in this easy-to-read book - which however is best digested slowly.”
— Majbrit Høyer, Chief advisor and owner, B.Sc.(EE) & eMBA, WorldPower Consulting ApS