Three things to prosper in your work-life

A good teacher is also a good student!

We may need to develop a more balanced concept for valuation than ROI (return on investment). A broader and more distinct scheme will help us focus more on what counts and make us happier as individuals and more meaningful as a business.

People who ignite on the journey combining experience from both the traditional mindset regarding business value with a dream of doing something they love are people who feel they are successful.

Three things you can do that will help you prosper in your work-life;

1. When you meet something that could eventually upset you, you observe it. You don't attach to it.

2. You don't let it defines you because it is something you experience, not something you are.

3. You understand why the person in question react the way he (/she does) – because if you thought the same, he does, you would respond the same way he does.

I'm grateful I can help people become this extraordinary person feeling tremendous and more courageous.

The people I work with have changed their focus and understanding of what is essential, which lead them to unusual new work-life paths.

Let us challenge ourselves and each other's current beliefs and expand what we can think and create.

I have developed 'Job Reframing' - a way to see new job opportunities if you are open to the magic of looking at yourself and the world differently. Mette Reebirk

Mette Reebirk