Are you looking for the answer in the wrong place?

Over the last + 20 years, I have been working with people in various forms, helping them see how unique and gorgeous they are and how we can connect our dots in new ways and reframe our work-life.

Over the years, I have wondered why we think so little of ourselves despite impressive academic credentials and business achievements.

Suppose I am not wrong, all you beautiful and clever people reading along. Some of you have many diplomas – Masters, MBA's, PhD and board educations. You have achieved so much, and still, you have moments when you don't feel at all awesome and doubt what it is you can do.

Over the years, I have done some research carried out of curiosity. Finally, three years ago, I got it!

I discovered that we are looking for the answer to why we are not happier and more satisfied in the wrong place.

Could we do a little exercise: Make sure you sit comfortably and then let's be still for a moment. Just be still; don't do anything. (20-sec stillness)

During this short moment, I'm sure you had a dialogue; maybe your voice said something like: This is weird! Why are we doing this? What is she (me) thinking about?

We are not alone in our heads. This voice always tells us many things we didn't know we should be interested in and maybe we shouldn't.

Imagine this voice was someone reel you shared your house with. I'm sure you would ask her to leave after a short while.

How much of what the voice is saying is true?

And if you know, you are thinking: "What is she talking about? I have no voices in my head – it is the voice I'm talking about!

We have conversations running in the head while driving, listening to our husbands and trying to get our bosses to understand or get the kids to pick up their stuff.

So, when you can hear the voice telling many things, you cannot be that voice but the one who is listening, right?

You have no control over the voice. It lives its own life. But when you position yourself as the observer, the voice slows down.

We have around 70.000 thoughts a day. It's like waves rolling onto the beach and withdrawing to the sea again. Some waves stay a little longer and then return to the sea again.

A friendlier life starts with becoming more conscious about your thinking and questioning the beliefs that don't soundly serve you.

You won't find the keys to peace outside of yourself.

Mette Reebirk