After three decades, how to make a career shift?

You've been in the same industry for 30 years. You've been doing the same job, day in and day out, all that time. But now you're starting to feel restless. You're yearning for a change. You want to try something new.

But you're unsure if you can make a successful career shift after many years in the same industry.

Why it's tricky to make a career shift after 30 years in the same industry?

There are a few reasons why it might be tricky to make a career shift after 30 years in the same industry.

Firstly, it can be challenging to let go of the comforts that come with familiarity. After 30 years, you know what to expect from your job. You have a routine that works for you. However, switching industries can be disruptive to that sense of normalcy.

Secondly, you have come to believe that the industry that has been your job frame for so long has become equal to who you are. Remember, you are not your job. You have a job.

Thirdly, it can be hard to understand your skillset after many years in the same industry. Seeing your skills with fresh eyes can be difficult when you've been doing the same thing for so long. However, it's important to remember that the skills you've acquired over the years are also transferable to other industries. So chances are, there are more similarities between industries than you realize.

Finally, making a career shift later in life can be scary because it's unfamiliar territory. It's natural to feel apprehensive about change, especially when that change could potentially upend your entire way of life. However, it's important to remember that a career shift doesn't have to be permanent. If you don't like the new industry you've shifted into, you can always go back again. Nothing is set in stone!

Making a career shift after 30 years in the same industry is tricky, but it's not impossible. Don't let your doubts hold you back. Instead, reach out to get the help you need to navigate the challenges you might face along the way.

It starts with you changing how you think about yourselves!

Mette Reebirk