New business paradigm: inner peace

You're not afraid; you just believe you are.

The other day, one of my clients said, "Mette, you are right. I'm not afraid of being fired. It's the story I tell myself about being fired that scares me.

Without the stories we tell ourselves about reality, it is my experience that there is nothing to be afraid of and that it is so much easier to handle whatever land on our plate.

Have you ever considered that fear couldn't exist without the story you tell yourself?

I've noticed a unique life force emanating from individuals who don't allow the stories in their heads to convince them that something fearful is real.

I'm always curious to explore how we can shift our perceptions and create new stories that nurture our life force and bring us inner peace.

Examples of stories we should be aware of not letting convince us to believe in a false reality include the idea we have to be perfect, that criticism is personal, or that money is a measure of success.

Changing your beliefs can give you a much more fulfilling, peaceful and joyful life experience.

You can embrace life with curiosity and inner peace by simply not believing the stories and false realities in your mind.

It truly is fantastic to witness!

Mette Reebirk